Sunday, December 25, 2011


情绪是自己控制,当超越自己的控制范围内人就会发神经, 神经失控, 心里就会不平衡。而我就是已经心里不平衡的那一位了。 我想不透我到底在哭什么?对着墙壁也可以哭。 也许是压力把我压得喘不过气来。 我很想发泄,但是就是找不到发泄的管道。很多事情都被约束。 想做却做不了, 想放弃却不能够。 我就像站在十字路口,迷失方向,找不回适当的路。 压力逼得我快要想不开。耽误不会不至于有自杀倾向那么笨。 我无时无刻都在想,为什么我不能拥有自己的路。 为什么周围的人都想把我逼上这条不想走的路。 绝情快要把我变的压缩到比蚂蚁还小。 我不想被人左右,我更不想被人指点。 我是不是个很无趣的女人? 是的!我不断地寻找可以倾诉的对象。可惜在这有限的范围内我找不到。 我很想回家,因为只有家才是最好的依靠。 大学的生涯不是我想象中那么的快乐。 即使毕业了过后我还是不认为我的大学过得很好。 外表很光彩,但是内心却是很无助。 别人都认为我很坚强,但其实我很想有个依靠的肩膀。只是我在这里找不到可以依靠的肩膀所以我才会靠自己。 偶尔我也会气自己为什么那么容易就心软。我很想拥有铁石心肠。 不懂也不明白,我只想逃避责任,但我不可以那么任性。 我只觉得再这样矛盾我的人生迟早我回神经病。


这一夜的圣诞节我过得不快乐。半夜去打篮球,然后又在食堂发泄大笑。可是这一切我都自己都在装出来的。 我并不快乐。 大笑过后我以为自己会过得更好, 但是原来是不行的。 一切都是假象。 我知道我自己很空虚。 我非常地伤心。 我很想发泄我自己的心情。 这一夜半夜我回到了宿舍,冲个凉后吹干了头发, 坐在电脑面前发呆了几分钟后,情绪又来了。突然间毫不控制得大哭一场。我很想放声大哭。 但是我不能。这里没有一个地方可以让我尽情地发泄。 我想大哭很久很久很久。 写着写着,我又落泪了。我到底发生了什么,我自己知道。我只能说我不甘寂寞

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


以前我是个非常爱读书的人, 只会想要赢不会输的人,至少也想要拿全班十名以内的人。最高纪录就是高中四年拿了全班第2名。 学业也可以说不错的。 小时候幼稚园拿了第8名,一年级拿了8名, 四年级拿了4名,至于五和六年级都会拿第6和第8 名。 进了初中一年,在班上也拿了第8名,初中二年和3都保持水准。但是到了高中五年,突然间我的学业一落千丈掉了13名只拿了第14名。老实说名次对我来说真的很重要在那些年。 上了高中六都是拿了十多名。在那个时候的我名次突然变得很平凡。一切就觉得没必要。 但是在心里还是会有些不满。 不懂。原因不是身边的同学进步,而是自己不肯上进却把自己搞成了这个地步。

考了个高级文凭成绩都是满烂的但是还是进的了大学。 考上了大学,第一年本来还想改变自信, 就在第一学期的成绩也跟高中六时候考的高级文凭没两样。在第二学期,成绩终于往上了许多,还可以拿来见人。 但是进入了大学第二年每天都搞忧郁,结果成绩比第一年考的还烂!心里真的只会想:“哎哟, 反正只想拿个文凭到老的时候还可以拿来抹屁股”但是看到成绩出来的那一刻还真的有恍然大悟。父母请每次问成绩如何,我就会说过关了,还可以继续读下去。 虽然是真的可以读下去, 但以将的成绩再创高峰真的有难度。 所以在这大学最后一年,我真的不可以再随便下去, 我不想比烂。 我不想我的大学的学费是白费还的。 也不想辜负家人的期望。 所以我想对自己说不管别人再怎么看你,最重要的是自己要看得起自己。女儿也可以承担起整个家庭的生活费。我不想要这么懒惰,忧郁,发神经下去了。 够了!这一切都在浪费时间! 我真的不想再这样下去,不管有多么的压力或血压有多么的高。 统统都不管了。 把成绩就挣回来才是最重要~我更相信老师与老母都在一直鼓励与支持我。 有相信就有概念,有概念就有启发,有启发就有动力,有动力就能改变。我相信我可以扭转乾坤这一切。

Saturday, November 12, 2011


29/10/2011 这一日,我是永远都无法忘记的一天。因这一天我的左手被沸腾中的热汤给烫伤了。 当水沸腾的高度高达100度以上再加上盐和油温度自然而然就会飙升到120度以上。我无法想象这刚起锅的热汤被倒撒在我的左手上。那一瞬间的疼痛真的很痛很痛很痛。平时稍微的被热水渐到就快要飙泪了。但是这一次,我既然哭不出来,因为哭不能疗治我的伤痕。

原本我打算将整个饭锅带到食堂去享受,可是没想到,我的粗心造成了大意。这么的一扛起来,锅盖的关口不稳定自己自动打开倒撒在我半只左手上。幸好我有戴上手表,要不然我无法想像我的脉搏被烫伤的样子。第一时间被烫伤的我立刻放好那锅汤脱了手表用清水冲洗了半个钟头手上的油渍,然后又涂上了牙膏。哇!真的又疼又辣!忍了一个小时,我无法再忍耐了。决定去医院治疗。好在有一班朋友送我去医院就医,要我指望某些人,到时候我的手就不堪设想咯! 去到医院,第一时间我并没有看到任何医护人员,也许他们太忙吧。过了差不多10-15分钟,医护人员才帮我登记然后立刻被叫去洗伤口。第二次当护士小姐帮我洗伤口时,我更加地感觉到疼痛!因为我的手开始起那些大大小小水疱了。 过后护士小姐帮我手上抹上了厚厚一层的烫伤药膏。敷完了药,我还得要去看医生。当医生看到我时,问我发生了什么事。我说我的手在享受在沸腾中的汤给烫伤了。医生也摇头对着说OH MY GOD. 二话不说,带我见第二位医生。

我这一生人最避忌也是最讨厌就是打针!这头才跟护士说好不要打针,另一头医生就吩咐护士为我打针。左手已经够疼了,还要来多一枝打下去疼死人止痛针还是消炎针在右手臂上 。我的天啊!这是雪上加霜,痛上加痛。护士小姐还对我说:“focus here focus here (意思就是叫我转移目标在我的左手上的疼痛),see tak sakit kan. (memang la, 才扎进去不疼吗!)my skill very good one” 哪里知道当她一按捺针筒里的药水进去我的手臂时!OMG!很痛的咯!

敷了药,打完针,诊断了,给了药,开了单(MC 3天),等回家。 就这样,回到宿舍一呆就呆在宿舍45天。快要把我给闷死了啦!在这段休养期间,第二天既然发烧了!感谢有一班学妹来探望我,煲了石蜂糖给我降热。他们也买了一对手袜给我好让我去上课可以掩饰疤痕和污染。又发烧,又没胃口,吃了又吐,有吃等于没吃。无意中吃到了虾米还跟我染上敏感症。痒到我半命!嗨~无奈啊!

现在过了3个礼拜的我,依然还需要戒口。这个不能吃那个不能吃,很无奈啊!上个星期四,我收到了我的同事兼好友远从家乡寄了一罐润肤剂给我。感谢感恩啊!但愿,我的手能早日康复。但是现在,我每日见到这支左手,心里老实说很伤心。毕竟我愧于我的父母让他们为我担心每日3 4 通电话来问候。惭愧得我没把自己给照顾好。身体发肤,受之父母,不敢毁伤,孝之始也。对不起我的父母。就连这放假一个礼拜多我也不敢回去见我的父母。心里再怎么想念家人都不敢让他们见到我这只手。宁愿在宿舍呆一个礼拜多。现在我希望趁我还没回家这两个月半可以把手给照顾好。 希望他们看到时应该都好了吧~但愿如此。 但是手上一些的疤痕都变得粗糙厚皮了。看了都心疼。很想哭咯。毕竟我也是个女生,那个女生不爱惜自己的皮肤的。也不像看到自己将。我怨不得人,我只能说自己够倒霉。愿霉运已过。好运自然跟着来咯~但愿吧!希望吧!

Friday, October 21, 2011

3 months and 2 weeks working period

Me and my colleagues picture ^^

At the end, I'm finally finish my 3 months and 2 weeks job.
During this period of times, sincerely I have to say that I was learning a lot of experience and knowledge that I can't learn from my uni. Working is actually an enjoy process. Guest what, I feel like so happy and lucky to know more new friends during on work.

Supports I was end of my job on 31 August 2011. But the shop was not enough staffs and I has been ask for delay my resign. So, I just continues work again until the 2 September. And again I have to delay again my resign date until Sunday 4th of September. This is because got one customer laptop I have to help she set up and do the backup recovery. Actually I should asking my colleagues to help me settle for it. I have to estimate that I shouldn't start the backup recovery on the night time. So end up I have keep it until the next day come to PC shop working again.

To be honestly, I feel very great that I come to work at here. There are a lot of mistake and troublesome that I has do during this period. And I also learn a lot of humanity, human personality and respected. I very thank to my colleagues and apologize to them also.

Everything is just a learning process. People should keep on find a chance to improving themselves. Don't be afraid because of failed and pain. Because no pain will be no gain.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Damn sigh, what should i do ?
I feel so complicated now.
Izit all is my fault ?
on 6/7/11 that was a black Wednesday
Fucking asshole that thief ! You are coming to disturb my bullshit feeling !
How dare you are.
Fuck you !
damn angry, sad and down deep deep in the hell men
Some time I feel that I need to keep it all my sadness and tier in my mind.
I can't say out.
I know that if for others people face such problem like this will feel so sad and innocent .
But I'm the one feel more suffer! Who can read my mind ? Who can know all my feeling! And who will care of me ! No one!
What should I do after that ?
I know I can't stop others people what their think of it.
But for me sincerely to say that I'm very mind of it. Sigh..........what a bad luck of that day.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The result is out! for 4semester

Just wanna to say that ! "CONGRATS" to me !
the most suck and worse result in my uni life!!!!!!!!!!!! Which is almost fail it ~! OMG men! damn it!
I just feel very disappointed but this result is what I'm got expected before.
Speechless. But sincerely I won't feel damn sad lor. I dunno why. Izit maybe I already lose my study luck ? At least I got fight for last minute if not I think will get more worse than that. ABCD all grade I get it. But I still wanna thank God that I didn't get any E in my subject. But the pointer very very very hell suck! For the subject that I get A I can say that no pain no gain. For the subject that I get D, speechless of it. Maybe I got think to retake of it. But everything is still in think and consider. Not sure wanna retake of it or not. Sigh.
Overall I just can say that it's just a past tent. Look for the future men......Study is just one of it. RM1243 de uni fees that every semester I pay just can get this result . I don't think izit good enough! NO WAY ! At least I must graduate with my own target with pointer 3.0 enough.
Ok at least now I still have 1 year for me to fight back !I'm sure I can fight back ! I'm try to telling myself WHO M I ! K.L.F!!!!!!!!!no one of this world can fight with you!The only person can fight with you is your own self!!!!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Shopping + job searching

Time pass so fast without waiting for us.
So fast I'm already back to my own home town 1 week.
On Wednesday I'm was going to interview for a job.
Actually is my friend ask me accompany with she go to shopping at the spring hypermarket.
Then during our shopping, we meet back our secondary school classmate.
During our chatting, my friend was intro me try go to ask from the pc shop.
And so, we are walk to the shop and saw that they are vacancy for part time worker.
I try to ask and fill in the form. Actually I do job with this company before during last year December PC fair. That was my only requirement for searching job on that day. After that, we are continues to shopping in the mall. Walk walk walk walk.............and walk.Both of us from food court walk until book store. Ice-cream, burger, soft drink, and of cause my favorite magic bite 3 flavor in 1 wafer sure must buy! Around 5p.m we are plan to walk back home. But first, we sure will walk to kenyalang park look around. On the way, we walk back to home, the pc shop supervisor was give me a call that they accept my requirement and hire me. Yeappy !!!!! That was the most fast reply for me to requite a job. And soon, on this coming Saturday I will start my job as sales assistance. Salary is just enough for me to spend and save some also. But the most important thing is I just wanna fulfill my 4 month holiday at here. If not I think my head will grown a lot of "mushroom". hehe~ Anyways, wish me good luck and all the best when I start my job. I will try my best to do it. hehe~

Monday, May 16, 2011

The end of 2nd year 2nd sem.

Time pass so fast everything is seem like just happen on yesterday only.
Recently very miss my Uni life.
If compare with my previous style sure say my uni life is suck.
Actually very suck uni life.
But dunno why this time I feel like everything gonna leave soon and time is very short for us together. Not matter with who and doing what ever thing that we will like to do and in heart hope that please don't let the time pass so so so fast. This is because in our heart we are very care and appreciate that thing or people.
The last day I'm been stay at Labuan on this sem is on 12/5/11.
Sincerely I feel wanna cry before I boarding lor. But I try to control myself and yes I do it well. I never feel so touch in my uni life before. Maybe I already find the best thing in my 2 year uni life and I feel very care it too much which is the friendship. I'm a very sensitive girl. Normal I look like nothing but actually in my heart and mind set was always thinking a lot of thing. I very care about something that I like.
Over all about this sem I feel so surprise, appreciate, sad, emo, and happy a lot. I never try to emo so long time in my life. This sem really make me emo every time. Sigh~ How come arh?
What ever la, now I'm already back to my own home town and should be find a better new style and life during this 4 month holiday. Try to change myself become more better and girlish. Lol!
So, My holiday plans which are the following:
1) Diet
2) earn money
3) change myself

Hope my plans can be run smooth and come true ~ anyways Happy Holiday to all my uni friends! ^^

Friday, May 6, 2011

1 day 1 emo keep the doctor away ^^

1day 1emo keep the doctor away^^

Everyday every night, day day emo.

Suddenly feel wanna emo then emo

Since 2 month ago, I start with emo.

Sometime I emo without any reason.

Actually I what is emo ?

When the day I step in this campus I know what is emo and also how to emo also.

And sometime I can emo until cry by myself

Mentally problem????

Maybe yes????hm………..

But this coming few days I’m sure I will more emo than before.

This is because I really gonna miss my university friends at here, especially those gonna leave here and graduate soon seniors.

Time past very fast. Everything can change. But the one thing I’m so sure for my own self is the relationship between me and my friends at here is never change.

Maybe one day they will forget me, but in my mind I will never forget them until the end of my life.

The person those appear in my life before and I know them for sure I will always keep in my heart.

Soon left 6 days I also gonna say good bye to this island for end of my second year university life and after 4 months later on start my third year university life.

How can I forget my friends at here? I told my senior that when your guys leave here and I see on the place that we meet, we play, we laugh, we talk, and we share everything in this campus I sure will think of them…….

The last words I wanna say to them before they leave here:

Bon voyage ………………………..take care.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

3/5/2011 and 4/5/2011

This 2days I and XL just come to my senior Angelina and Brandon house at mutiara here over night. both of them move out from campus and stay at outside. 3 of us can chit-chat nonstop. 38 de 3 of us dinner +beering + pillow talk together. We cook, we clean and we laugh together. Hahahahahhaha. I feel very funny and happy. Soon 3 of them wanna graduate liao. Sincerely I really feel so reluctant them lor. Hiao hiao de Angelina, noob noob daddy Brandon and emo bird XiaoLoong. Sigh, why the time past so fast. I feel very sad is we gonna separate liao. But, I’m also very happy that they want graduate and I also wanna congratulation 3 of them. Although I know them since I’m first year in this university, but the time I really start close with them is my second year life in this university. Everything is start by one person. Just because of this person 4 of us get close and know each other’s. Honestly, I feel very proud to know 3 of them in my uni life. I learn a lot of thing from them also. At the last, Hope them can bright in the future. One the world haven’t end, I believe that 4 of us still can be meet together. I trust and I believe the day will be coming and I also will wait for it. Just only wait the God make plan a time for us meet together only.

The world never ends, the times never stop, and friendship is never say good bye.

Sunday, May 1, 2011



Sunday, April 17, 2011


人的感觉就是那么的突然。当感觉来了就会像冲动的做某些事。当感觉来了,灵感自然也会有。就算看着一根草突然脑力的画面闪过了很多回忆。东西看就了之后也会有感觉。依依不舍、产生爱的感觉、莫名其妙的感觉也会有。当感觉来了就不可以轻易的放弃,找寻感觉的根源,打破砂锅问到底。当灵感来了就赶紧去做,避免让它流失再也找不回了。 平凡之中找点刺激,伤心之中寻找快乐,心酸之中寻找善解的感觉。 感觉是无法触摸也无法看到。感觉只能用心去体会。感觉得到了心理就会体验得到那种奇妙的心情。 女人也好男人也好最重要的是做每件事都要尝试用心去体会、感受及感觉它的存在。珍惜每一刻的感觉。也许下一秒这种感觉不再回来了。那只好回温过去变成了回忆。

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Izit good for me ?

Sincerely I really cannot stand for it anymore. I keep in my heart already 2 year. I really cannot keep it forever. There no someone else at here can let me told them my own suffer feeling.
What I mean here is I cannot bear for my university life already.
Sometimes I feel that people are foolish me and I feel hurt of it.
Sometimes when together doing something else, I'm the person who always ask for going to do that la this la. Even though I leader in the group also like that. Why seem like my group members are more like my leader more than me is the head of the group? It's nice for them to do such thing on me? I don't know. It's me look like a maid? sigh~ I really speechless of my university life. I can feel that i'm coming to uni is not for study but to be a maid or "kuli" at here. 2 year already, I really angry, disappointed, deeply sad, and peace off of it. Every time calling to my family say that I wanna back, cry in the phone, and ask them send me back. My family they never saw me do and say such thing to them. Why!!!!!!! I don't want to keep in my heart anymore. The more I keep it longer, the more I feel suffer and painful. I don't want every time when I feel sad I just only know posting my complain in Facebook anymore. I also don't want to find some place with no people and cry at there anymore. This life are killing my physical and mental a lot. Who can understand my feeling now? Actually I don't like to see people shit face to doing something. In order like that I prefer settle the thing by my own self. I also couldn't understand why some people can take others people benefit from others people works? It's fair enough for me? I always keep silent of this such case in so many time ago. Until now I still can listen from the others told me that :" hei! that thing not you do de mei ? why he/she can take it from you?". Who can told me what should I do ? Some time I keep silent just because I do not like others people say me too show off. But it doesn't mean that I'm not the admin. A lot of thing I would like to keep silent. I have my own privacy! I have my own choice to do it also. Sometime I too care your guys feeling, but who will care of my feeling. I'm not super women. Not everything I can manage. I also need someone can really care of my feeling. Sincerely I really don't like people to call me "ah ma" in this campus. In some part, they are too expect I can help them do it. Ya, I can help, but not always. So, for now I must learn to reject the request. Not matter how, from now I just wanna think for my own self more than others people. I wanna learn to be selfish. I don't want to be too kind of it. Because I'm not a god!

Friday, April 8, 2011


在一个漫长又宁静的夜里,我独自一个人享受红酒的味道。那葡萄的香醇浓度向我的嗅觉扑鼻。好享受今晚哦!在品尝红酒的当下,听着我自己最喜爱的旋律,真的是让我陶醉在音乐里。但唯有美中不足就是必须要赶功课。真令人扫兴!讨厌!算了!享受当下才是最重要。 ^^

Monday, April 4, 2011


Since finish my APK expo until now already 2 week
I already emo 2 week
and during this 2 week damn down of my feeling. I don't know why ? some more I feel damn stress also. What i'm stressing? what I'm emo, and why I feel sad. I also don't know. I feel no more meaning for study at here anymore. Is time for me to choose to quit my university life or not. This because the more days i stay at here. The more i feel suffer.

But one more thing I'm very sure that some problem is come from my own self. Some time I feel i was so stupid. Too easy to trust someone, and that person are hurt me back. There is no good thing after I helping others people. Sometime I feel so sad, and I cry whole day. But I never to let people know of it. During this 4 semester I never feel happy. So what for I still need to living at here. No point anymore.

People are selfish. They will only know to get their own benefit from one thing one case. The rest thing their will left it to me. I don't think that sharing is caring. I didn't mention not mean that you can admit it everything is only u do! What everything you just only know use your mouth to order people do it but you never think how busy I am. You just only know find for your benefit but actually you are giving me troublesome. Every good thing is you take it, and the trouble you just only know throw to ME ! So pandai la!I don't want to listen what ever you ask me do the thing again! IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!! If want to do you DO IT BY YOUR OWN SELF UNTIL ENOUGH! I'M TIRED ALREADY. Every time I'm the person to eat die cat, and also every time I'm the one is kena until my head. Izit very nice for your guys to do such thing on me???????? Don't you guys think on my situation? I keep silent it's don't mean that I can keep silent forever in my life. 1 day i will make your guys regrets! Your guys never feel sorry on me when you do such shame thing on me. Don't blame on that time why I will do such thing on you ! And I will not say SORRY ON YOU !!!!!!!!!

This few month my kidney damn painful also I didn't know what happen on it, but what I can feel that after drinking the water from hostel sure will feel pain on the next day. There is something wrong with the water.

What ever i can say is I don't want to listen any reason from YOU, YOU AND YOU AGAIN ! ENOUGH FOR ME!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


做么lei he??????呵呵呵呵呵呵

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


是时候了!年三十晚,准备年夜饭。现在的我失眠了,因为喝太多咖啡眼睛亮晶晶睡不着。待会得去菜巴杀买菜咯。很久没去菜巴杀了。今年的年夜饭以火锅为主。而且还是用最传统的碳烧火锅。 哈哈哈哈哈哈!喜欢!


是时候了!对我自己而言,我想要改变自己。但并不是为了别人而改变自己的那一种。我只想接受新的一段路程。对自己的要求也会变高了,不想做回以前的我。 我还是依然的我。我的改变而不会随波逐流。把坏的改掉。我只是需要时间,我想要一样一样改。错误是需要自己来发现,而不是由别人发现了才来告诉我自己。 书还是要读,但对我自己喜欢的东西和爱好绝对不想放弃。对于感情这方面,先要爱自己才懂得爱别人;现懂得照顾自己才懂得照顾别人。总而言之,勉强没幸福。更加不会花心思去眷恋着一个空壳的感情。放下了。对自己最大的梦想是减肥!肥婆!是时候减肥了!讲没有用的!要有所行动!加油!再次提醒自己哪怕只减那0.01攻克也好也是好!有好过没有。



Monday, January 31, 2011


突然间想写写部落,但是又不知道该用什么题材来写。复杂的心情,纠缠了我好久了。15/1/2011,我心爱的狗狗nin nin 去世了。真的很想念和它度过的每个日子。人生喜怒无常,更何况一只狗狗的生命。 生死由命,只要活得精彩哪怕一只蟑螂它的生活也许也比我们人类活得更精彩。
自从8/1 回去纳闽开学了之后,超级忙碌。而且过了我人生中最不开心的一天。 我人生中第一次被人如此的羞辱,被人辱骂。真的有够难堪。我吃不消!!!!!!!!!!!!!!心不甘!!!!!明明不是我的错为何要怪罪我的头上来!!!!!!!!!很不甘啦!!!!一天里面双重打击!!!!!!!有够崩溃~~~~~~我现在只希望有一天老天会让他们知道我的不甘!!!!!!!!
28/1 过年回家的第一天1:35p.m到达家乡古晋为了和家人团圆真的不管多遥远的路程。家永远是我最好的依靠。皇宫不如自己狗窝来得好。一觉醒来有自己的大大的床铺暖暖的棉被,赖床我最喜欢!!!!!!!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈