Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The result is out! for 4semester

Just wanna to say that ! "CONGRATS" to me !
the most suck and worse result in my uni life!!!!!!!!!!!! Which is almost fail it ~! OMG men! damn it!
I just feel very disappointed but this result is what I'm got expected before.
Speechless. But sincerely I won't feel damn sad lor. I dunno why. Izit maybe I already lose my study luck ? At least I got fight for last minute if not I think will get more worse than that. ABCD all grade I get it. But I still wanna thank God that I didn't get any E in my subject. But the pointer very very very hell suck! For the subject that I get A I can say that no pain no gain. For the subject that I get D, speechless of it. Maybe I got think to retake of it. But everything is still in think and consider. Not sure wanna retake of it or not. Sigh.
Overall I just can say that it's just a past tent. Look for the future men......Study is just one of it. RM1243 de uni fees that every semester I pay just can get this result . I don't think izit good enough! NO WAY ! At least I must graduate with my own target with pointer 3.0 enough.
Ok at least now I still have 1 year for me to fight back !I'm sure I can fight back ! I'm try to telling myself WHO M I ! K.L.F!!!!!!!!!no one of this world can fight with you!The only person can fight with you is your own self!!!!!!!