Sunday, April 17, 2011


人的感觉就是那么的突然。当感觉来了就会像冲动的做某些事。当感觉来了,灵感自然也会有。就算看着一根草突然脑力的画面闪过了很多回忆。东西看就了之后也会有感觉。依依不舍、产生爱的感觉、莫名其妙的感觉也会有。当感觉来了就不可以轻易的放弃,找寻感觉的根源,打破砂锅问到底。当灵感来了就赶紧去做,避免让它流失再也找不回了。 平凡之中找点刺激,伤心之中寻找快乐,心酸之中寻找善解的感觉。 感觉是无法触摸也无法看到。感觉只能用心去体会。感觉得到了心理就会体验得到那种奇妙的心情。 女人也好男人也好最重要的是做每件事都要尝试用心去体会、感受及感觉它的存在。珍惜每一刻的感觉。也许下一秒这种感觉不再回来了。那只好回温过去变成了回忆。

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Izit good for me ?

Sincerely I really cannot stand for it anymore. I keep in my heart already 2 year. I really cannot keep it forever. There no someone else at here can let me told them my own suffer feeling.
What I mean here is I cannot bear for my university life already.
Sometimes I feel that people are foolish me and I feel hurt of it.
Sometimes when together doing something else, I'm the person who always ask for going to do that la this la. Even though I leader in the group also like that. Why seem like my group members are more like my leader more than me is the head of the group? It's nice for them to do such thing on me? I don't know. It's me look like a maid? sigh~ I really speechless of my university life. I can feel that i'm coming to uni is not for study but to be a maid or "kuli" at here. 2 year already, I really angry, disappointed, deeply sad, and peace off of it. Every time calling to my family say that I wanna back, cry in the phone, and ask them send me back. My family they never saw me do and say such thing to them. Why!!!!!!! I don't want to keep in my heart anymore. The more I keep it longer, the more I feel suffer and painful. I don't want every time when I feel sad I just only know posting my complain in Facebook anymore. I also don't want to find some place with no people and cry at there anymore. This life are killing my physical and mental a lot. Who can understand my feeling now? Actually I don't like to see people shit face to doing something. In order like that I prefer settle the thing by my own self. I also couldn't understand why some people can take others people benefit from others people works? It's fair enough for me? I always keep silent of this such case in so many time ago. Until now I still can listen from the others told me that :" hei! that thing not you do de mei ? why he/she can take it from you?". Who can told me what should I do ? Some time I keep silent just because I do not like others people say me too show off. But it doesn't mean that I'm not the admin. A lot of thing I would like to keep silent. I have my own privacy! I have my own choice to do it also. Sometime I too care your guys feeling, but who will care of my feeling. I'm not super women. Not everything I can manage. I also need someone can really care of my feeling. Sincerely I really don't like people to call me "ah ma" in this campus. In some part, they are too expect I can help them do it. Ya, I can help, but not always. So, for now I must learn to reject the request. Not matter how, from now I just wanna think for my own self more than others people. I wanna learn to be selfish. I don't want to be too kind of it. Because I'm not a god!

Friday, April 8, 2011


在一个漫长又宁静的夜里,我独自一个人享受红酒的味道。那葡萄的香醇浓度向我的嗅觉扑鼻。好享受今晚哦!在品尝红酒的当下,听着我自己最喜爱的旋律,真的是让我陶醉在音乐里。但唯有美中不足就是必须要赶功课。真令人扫兴!讨厌!算了!享受当下才是最重要。 ^^

Monday, April 4, 2011


Since finish my APK expo until now already 2 week
I already emo 2 week
and during this 2 week damn down of my feeling. I don't know why ? some more I feel damn stress also. What i'm stressing? what I'm emo, and why I feel sad. I also don't know. I feel no more meaning for study at here anymore. Is time for me to choose to quit my university life or not. This because the more days i stay at here. The more i feel suffer.

But one more thing I'm very sure that some problem is come from my own self. Some time I feel i was so stupid. Too easy to trust someone, and that person are hurt me back. There is no good thing after I helping others people. Sometime I feel so sad, and I cry whole day. But I never to let people know of it. During this 4 semester I never feel happy. So what for I still need to living at here. No point anymore.

People are selfish. They will only know to get their own benefit from one thing one case. The rest thing their will left it to me. I don't think that sharing is caring. I didn't mention not mean that you can admit it everything is only u do! What everything you just only know use your mouth to order people do it but you never think how busy I am. You just only know find for your benefit but actually you are giving me troublesome. Every good thing is you take it, and the trouble you just only know throw to ME ! So pandai la!I don't want to listen what ever you ask me do the thing again! IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!! If want to do you DO IT BY YOUR OWN SELF UNTIL ENOUGH! I'M TIRED ALREADY. Every time I'm the person to eat die cat, and also every time I'm the one is kena until my head. Izit very nice for your guys to do such thing on me???????? Don't you guys think on my situation? I keep silent it's don't mean that I can keep silent forever in my life. 1 day i will make your guys regrets! Your guys never feel sorry on me when you do such shame thing on me. Don't blame on that time why I will do such thing on you ! And I will not say SORRY ON YOU !!!!!!!!!

This few month my kidney damn painful also I didn't know what happen on it, but what I can feel that after drinking the water from hostel sure will feel pain on the next day. There is something wrong with the water.

What ever i can say is I don't want to listen any reason from YOU, YOU AND YOU AGAIN ! ENOUGH FOR ME!!!!!!!!!